16 September 2008

Amic/Amat (1998)

Un hombre maduro y enfermo, profesor de literatura medieval, ha hecho recuento de su vida y ha decidido, entre dudas, qué es lo que le interesa dejar a los demás cuando haya desaparecido. Una herencia en forma de ensayo que ha insertado en la memoria de su ordenador personal. Al mejor y más antiguo de sus amigos le repugna una herencia que pueda estar contaminada por el miedo a la muerte. El mejor y más reciente de sus alumnos se niega a aceptar ser el heredero; pretende así preservar una oscura y ambigua libertad. Ese mejor y más antiguo de sus amigos está casado y tiene una hija. Un hombre casi feliz, con las cosas claras, a quien su mujer quiere tanto y tanto y tanto... Lástima que la hija, en cambio, viene a contarles determinado pequeño problema. ¿Pero es ella quien realmente tiene problemas? Los cinco personajes, en una carrera casi contra reloj, se debaten, luchan y se agreden, todos contra todos, al tiempo que descubren mútuamente la raíz de sus afectos, de sus pasiones, y reconsideran casi traumáticamente su futuro. Un futuro completamente incomprensible pero del que, según para quien, depende la salvación...

A mature and dying medieval literature professor Jaume Clarà (Josep Maria Pou) has gone over his personal life and has decided, amongst his doubts, what he wants to leave an inheritance in a form of an essay once he passes away which he has saved on his personal computer. His best friend Pere Roure (Mario Gas) is bothered that it could be tainted by the fear of death. His best student David Vila (David Selvas) does not want to be an heir as he wants to keep his dark and ambiguous freedom. On the other hand, Pere is a very happy man as long as things go well and he is so loved by his wife Fanny (Rosa Sardà). One day, their daughter Alba (Irene Montalà) paid them a visit to inform them of a slight problem. But is she the one who really has problems? The five characters, in an almost race against the clock, argue, struggle and hurt each other, everyone against everyone, whilst at the same time they discover mutually the roots of their affection, their passion, and almost traumatically reconsider their future -- a completely incomprehensible future, but on which, depending upon who, depends salvation...

AMIC/AMAT is about relationships and true friendships. In every battle there are victors but who are the losers in the end? This is another masterpiece from Spain with stellar performances by its actors. Another must-see!

(In SPANISH with ENGLISH subtitles)


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