16 September 2008

7 Vírgenes (2005)

Verano en un barrio obrero y marginal de una ciudad del sur. Tano (Juan José Ballesta), un adolescente que cumple condena en un centro de reforma, recibe un permiso especial de 48 horas para asistir a la boda de su hermano Santacana. Durante el tiempo que dura el permiso, Tano se reencuentra con su mejor amigo, Richi (Jesús Carroza), y se lanza a vivir esas horas con el firme propósito de divertirse, de hacer todo lo que le estaba prohibido en el centro: se emborracha, se droga, roba, ama y, fundamentalmente vuelve a la vida. Se siente libre y ejerce esa libertad con toda la fuerza y el atrevimiento de la adolescencia. Pero, a medida que transcurre su estancia fuera del centro, Tano también asiste al desmoronamiento de todos sus referentes: el barrio, la familia, el amor, la amistad, todo ha cambiado. Más allá de un permiso de 48 horas, la libertad de Tano se convierte en un viaje impuesto hacia la madurez.

It’s summer in a southern working-class skid row. Tano (Juan José Ballesta), a youngster doing time in a reform centre, receives a special 48-hour pass to attend his brother Santacana's wedding. Right after reaching home, Tano runs back into his best friend, Richi (Jesús Carroza), throwing himself into having as much fun as he can in such a short time -- doing everything he is forbidden to do at the centre: he gets drunk, takes drugs, steals, loves, and basically resuscitates. He feels free and uses his freedom with full force -- the daring of adolescence. But the longer he spends outside of the centre, the more Tano's references tumble around him: the neighbourhood, the family, love, friendship, everything has changed. More than a 48-hour leave, Tano's freedom becomes an imposed voyage towards maturity.

7 VÍRGINES (7 VIRGINS) is a well-directed film with brilliant actors particularly the phenomenal acting of the two leads, Ballesta & Carroza. The story about teenagers is written so realistically that it would give you a clear and deep insight on some individuals you might probably have encountered in your lives. I have read some reviews from some mature audience saying this and that... all I could say is the fact that "reality really bites hard."


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