05 October 2008

La Vie de Jésus (1997)

Chronique de la vie de Freddy (David Douche), jeune épileptique, qui vit avec sa mère Yvette à Bailleul où elle tient le café Au Petit Casino, siège d'un club de pinsonneux, amateurs de pinsons qui concourent tous les dimanches et marquent à la craie sur un long morceau de bois le nombre de trilles de leur oiseau.

The chronicle of the life of Freddy (David Douche), a young epileptic, who lives with his mother Yvette in Bailleul who keeps the "Au Petit Casino Café," the seat of the Finches Club where the finches lovers flock every Sunday and mark with chalk on a long piece of wood the number of bird trills.

LA VIE DE JÉSUS (titled THE LIFE OF JESUS in the US), is one breathtaking film about the life of young people living in the northern part of France near the Belgian border. Its realistic and raw approach to personal differences, marginalisation, racism and love makes it a milestone winner for its targeted viewers.


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GAY-THEMED & SHORT FILMS: La crème de la crème