04 October 2008

L'Ennemi Naturel (2004)

Un jeune garçon est trouvé assassiné sur la jetée. Très vite, le jeune inspecteur chargé de l'enquête, Nicolas Luhel (Jalil Lespert), s'intéresse au père du jeune homme, Serge Tanguy (Aurélien Recoing), un personnage haut en couleur. C'est que tout semble opposer les deux hommes. Le film suscita troubles et doutes...

This mystery drama that provokes questions and doubts starts with a young boy being found dead at the pier. Immediately, Nicolas Luhel (Jalil Lespert), a young inspector is assigned to handle the investigation. He makes a few inquiries and then speculates... he names Serge Tanguy (Aurélien Recoing), the father of the boy as the prime suspect of the murder...

Some critics and viewers got so confused with L'ENNEMI NATUREL which I find not alienating at all though certainly very intriguing. They probably didn't pay attention to the film second by second that they lost touch somewhere when they were scratching their heads or probably daydreaming about Tanguy & Luhel's private parts. It's all about the mystery of the crime and the discovery of Luhel's hidden sexuality. And for a directorial debut, it's an amazing attempt!

(In FRENCH with ENGLISH subtitles)


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