08 November 2008

Klass (2007)

See lugu on eelkõige aust ja väärikusest. Üks 16 aastane normaalne poiss satub juhuse tahtel olukorda, kus ta astub klassi äbariku kaitseks välja. Hiljem kui sellelt normaalselt poisilt küsitakse, miks ta nii tegi, ei saa ta enam oma eelmist tegu valeks tunnistada ja peab jätkama äbariku kaitsmist. See aga tähendab talle teiste nn. normaalsete noortega vastandumist. Ta tõugatakse välja noorte mikroühiskonnast ja ta kaotab ka oma tüdruku. Kõik seepärast, et ta ei oska taganeda. Sellises olukorras saab endisest normaalsest poisist peaaegu vastu tahtmist äbariku sõber. Sellest hetkest on loo põhiküsimus ülekohtus. Kui palju lubab inimese väärikus kannatada ülekohust. Ja mis hetkel muutub vastuhakk ise vägivallaks?

First of all, it’s a story about dignity. There‘s a misunderstanding in the beginning. A regular 16-year old guy, Kaspar (Vallo Kirs), stands up for the looser of the class, Joosep (Pärt Uusberg). As I said, it was an accident, a mistake, but later, when everybody asks why he did so, Kaspar will not admit that it was a mistake. Instead, he claims his independence from the rule of the most popular guy in the class, Anders (Lauri Pedaja). This is the beginning of a war where teenagers no longer see where mischievous bullying ends and a crime begins. Would you give up your girl and your life in order to save your dignity?

KLASS (THE CLASS, internationally) certainly has a lot of flaws but such are needed to make the film as horrifying and violent and realistic as possible and I could imagine how horrifying the incidents could be if they are really existent... well, I am referring to the way incidents are presented in the film. Great acting from the three lads and this Estonian feature got my full attention.

(In ESTONIAN with ENGLISH subtitles)



Anonymous said...

what a movie, i'm very much affected in this film

Lou Kou said...

... exactly how I felt when I was watching it!

Anonymous said...

What I want to say is, "What a complex and deeply disturbing film." But, i can't--seriously it made me sick to watch. I thought i was in an ethical/moral nightmare or caught up in some paralyzing sea of individual atrocities.

Seriously, how would you react in the same situation?--ineffectual teachers, parents; a class of "followers" and their teneuous allegiances and motives--just weakness all around, a universe of personal weakness.

I got the same feeling w/ this that I got watching Dancer in the Dark. It was pavlovian how I began to dread them walking into that classroom! Like w/ Dancer's musical numbers, you knew when they started some REALLY bad things were going to happen.

Thanks for the upload??? (Aww,
Lou I know It's just a film, but i'm so conflicted about this one, lol.)

I've got to watch Breakfast w/ Scott now or i'll probably kill myself.

Evil_Triumphs said...

Well, this film made me want to scream and cry but my god it was moving. I found myself sympathizing with the two boys even though I had already guessed how it ended. I starting hoping it would end differently than I knew it would. It forced me to take a long look at myself because I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing in their position, especially after the scene on the beach. Thank you for uploading this and all the movies on here. I think I might love you a little.

Unknown said...

wonderful movie! I felt for the two boys and I think the shootings were justified. In fact, i wanted the bullies to suffer!!!!!!!

GAY-THEMED & SHORT FILMS: La crème de la crème