Tenoch (Diego Luna) y Julio (Gael García Bernal) son dos adolescentes cuyas vidas están regidas por las hormonas y por un peculiar código de amistad, sintetizado en el decálogo del "charolastra". En una fiesta, los jóvenes conocen a Luisa (Maribel Verdu), una chica española casada con el primo de Tenoch. Este incidente, aparentemente trivial, se convertirá en el detonador de una aventura en la que la inocencia, la amistad y la sexualidad de los tres personajes entrarán en conflicto.
Tenoch (Diego Luna) and Julio (Gael García Bernal) are two teenagers whose lives are governed by hormones and a peculiar code of friendship, synthesized in the "Charolastra Decalogue." At a wedding party, the two met Luisa (Maribel Verdu), a Spanish lady married to Tenoch's cousin. The seemingly trivial meeting will become the detonator of an adventure in which innocence, friendship and sexuality of the three lead characters come into conflict.
Y TU MAMÁ TAMBIÉN (AND YOUR MOTHER TOO, internationally) is one unforgettable film. Truly it's about innocence, friendship and sexuality but above all, it is the revelation of three distinct human characters in depth. No wonder that both leading actors garnered acting awards and acclaim for this Mexican masterpiece.
(In SPANISH with ENGLISH subtitles)
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