10 October 2008

L'Auberge Espagnole (2002)

Xavier (Romain Duris), un jeune homme de vingt-cinq ans, part à Barcelone pour terminer ses études en économie et apprendre l'espagnol. Cette langue est nécessaire pour occuper un poste, que lui promet un ami de son père, au ministère des finances. Mais pour ce faire, il doit quitter sa petite amie Martine, avec qui il vit depuis quatre ans. En Espagne, Xavier cherche un logement et trouve finalement un appartement dans le centre de Barcelone qu'il compte partager avec sept autres personnes. Chacun de ses co-locataires est originaire d'un pays différent.

25-year old Xavier (Romain Duris) leaves for Barcelona to finish his studies in Economics and learn Spanish. The language is prerequisite to fill a post that was promised to him by the Minister of Finance who happens to be a friend of his father. But to do so, he must leave his girlfriend Martine whom he has lived with for four years. In Spain, Xavier seeks accommodation and finally found an apartment in central Barcelona which he shares with seven other people -- all originating from different countries in Europe.

L'AUBERGE ESPAGNOLE which literally translates to THE SPANISH INN in English and titled EURO PUDDING internationally, is funny, unique, authentic, interesting, witty and absolutely exceptional. It clearly showed the life of an outsider amongst other outsiders in a foreign land. Indeed, a very enjoyable film!


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