This is an unorthodox comedy film about the adventures of three young men of Indian origin (NRIs as commonly known) and raised in New York, Sydney and London. All three arrived on the same day at Mumbai International Airport where they accidentally meet. Krishna Sahni (Naveen Andrews) is an aspiring actor from New York who wants to make it big in Bollywood; Ricardo Fernandes (Rahul Bose) is from Sydney who is trying to search for his long-lost brother; and Xerxes Mistry (Alexander Gifford), a musician from London who is looking to discover his "roots" in the land of his ancestors.
This film makes its statements in stylish and innovative ways not so common in Bollywood and beneath its satirical surface is a genuinely funny film. Remember that this is just a fiction feature of which intention is just to entertain. Certainly one of my favourite films from India...
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