Une camera, celle qui filme, est au centre de cette histoire. C'est un cadeau qu'Etienne (Jimmy Tavares) a eu pour ses seize ans. Grâce à (ou à cause de) cet objet, il va découvrir, en le regardant autrement, le monde qui l'entoure et notamment son prof de géographie. Les rapports que nous entretenons avec notre image et la découverte du désir à l'adolescence, deux thèmes qui ont inspiré les réalisateurs.
The central story is filmed by a video camera which was actually a gift for Etienne (Jimmy Tavares) from his grandmother on his 16th birthday. With it he discovers the world around him particularly the ones involving his geography teacher. The relationships of the images and the discovery of adolescent desires are the two themes depicted in this film.
MA VRAIE VIE A ROUEN (MY LIFE ON ICE, its English title) is filmed like an actual home video but it is rich of personal meaning, that is, of Etienne's. It's touchingly sweet and again we see another dilemma of an adolescent's coming to terms with his sexuality. The character of Etienne is charmingly played by Jimmy Tavares who is a professional figure skater and champion in real life.
(In FRENCH with ENGLISH subtitles)
hey! I've been gone for a couple weeks, but I was wondering if I missed anything? Your la boite doesn't have comment avaliability anymore and I was just wondering if something happened?
Anyways, I'm off to see what new films you have for me to enjoy! You're awesome! :)
Unfortunately, the site that is hosting La Boîte du Rêveur Channel suspended it permanently so I have to create a new blog to ensure that it does not contain films that are no longer available to watch instantly.
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